Friday, December 18, 2009

Arthritis More Condition_symptoms Of The Neck Is It True That The More You Crack Your Knuckles, The More Prone You Are To Developing Arthritis?

Is it true that the more you crack your knuckles, the more prone you are to developing arthritis? - arthritis more condition_symptoms of the neck

That was what happened to me, probably within 4-6 months, but I work in a place where once most people have left for the day, it is freezing cold in the house and hands and stiff, I have more to write .

You get the point stretch, at least 3 or 4 times per hour towards the end of the day, if I have your hands and fingers, so that crack my knuckles and joints of the hand. A colleague said that it is better not to attempt to do so, as I arthritis in the first years of life.

Is that true? And if so, how I try to avoid having to break his fingers so much? I am a little worried whether this is true, as I now only in my late 20s years.

Someone else has this problem? What have you done to try to prevent, cracks and joints?


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